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For Followers of Joe Rogan: Cold Plunge Hacks For Your Home

Sep 04, 2024


It may not seem like the best idea to dunk in freezing cold water, but that's exactly what we're recommending. There are, of course, some guidelines that should be followed, but cold water immersion/cold plunging/ice bathing is taking the world by storm because of the numerous health benefits that continue to impress.

What is a Cold Plunge?

Cold plunging is where you submerge your body in cold water (usually 38-59 degrees Fahrenheit) for a few minutes at a time. This causes your blood vessels to constrict and reduce inflammation, swelling, and soreness.

The health benefits don't stop at easing pain and speeding recovery. Cold water immersion is a form of cryotherapy which is a type of process that utilizes cold temperatures for health and wellness reasons. People and studies report that several cold plunges a week cause increases in happiness and mental alertness, and decreases in stress, physical tension, depression, and anxiety.

What Does Joe Rogan Say About Ice Baths?

Joe Rogan talks about his ice bath routine and preferences several times throughout his podcast. He talks about his favorite cold plunge and how to do the Joe Rogan ice bath if you will.

For example, in episode 865 with Wim Hof, Rogan expanded on his love of the Wim Hof Method for enduring extreme cold conditions. The conversation develops into the science behind the method as well as the practical applications and health benefits of applying cold water exposure to our everyday lives.


What are the Health Benefits of Cold Plunging?

We briefly mentioned above that the health benefits of cold plunge therapy are vast. Now, let's dive a little deeper into some of the things you can look forward to.

Improved heart health

Several studies show that cold therapy boosts blood flow. reduces heart rate, and improves the participants overall cardiovascular health.

Improved metabolism

The cold temperatures kick your body into high gear to try and stabilize your core body temperature. Your metabolism is one of those things that gets activated when you cold plunge.

Reduced pain

Athletes and fitness gurus have been using ice baths to improve muscle soreness for generations. The cold water helps reduce swelling and the perception of pain across the body that comes after particularly intense workouts.

Boosted mood

Ice baths are proven to be a temporary mood boost. However, recent studies are suggesting that they may include long-term mental health improvement, including reduced depression and anxiety!

Stronger immune system

People who cold plunge take fewer sick days from work. It's a product of strengthening your body and improving your overall health. Your immune system can't help but follow along.

Reduced inflammation

Athletes use ice baths for this reason, yes, but inflammation is also associated with several chronic conditions, which means cold plunging could potentially help fend off disease if inflammation is something you struggle with.

Should I Cold Plunge at Home?

If you are going to cold plunge at home, make sure you're following all the correct safety guidelines. This includes making sure the water temperature is within proper bounds, ensuring you can warm up once you leave, and timing yourself.

If you're committed to doing these things, cold plunging at home is a great idea! You can start with something as simple as adding your own ice to your bathtub. Even a cold shower gets you on the right path. The trickiest part with home cold plunging is maintaining consistent water temperature, which is something we discuss below.

What are Some Effective Tips for Your Home Ice Bath?

Creating your own cold plunge can be done with a little help in most cases. You don't have to break the bank and you don't have to be put on an insanely long waiting list that all the pool companies have these days.

Choosing the Right Container

Inflatable pools, portable bathtubs, and stock banks are all popular choices when it comes to using what you might already have or is easily accessible.

Keeping the Water Cold

The goal with a cold plunge is to keep the water cold enough that it's effective. Typically, this means 50-59 degrees for people who aren't on the extreme end of things. A few options you can use storebought ice packs, freeze water in water bottles, or, if you're okay with spending a little money, a portable freezer.

Safety and Comfort

Always prioritize your safety. You can't have improved health if you're constantly injuring yourself or getting sick from dirty water. Use things like non-slip mats, temperature monitors, and appropriate clothing to keep you safe and comfortable during your plunge.

Creating an Inviting Atmosphere

The atmosphere might not improve your health, but it will certainly impact your experience, which can be the difference between staying consistent and not. Consider music, lighting, and aromatherapy as ways to enhance your experience.

Integrating Cold Plunge into Your Routine

Choose a time of day and a day of the week that will work consistently for a cold plunge. For some people, every day is a priority. For others, it's once a week. Whatever your goals are, find ways to work consistency into your routine.

Should I Be Taking Ice Baths Regularly?

Many experts say that taking ice baths several times a week is the best way to see the benefits from it. If you're just starting out, try to cold plunge at least once a week until you're comfortable enough with the process to do more.

Is Cold Exposure Therapy Worth it?

The short answer is, yes. It's worth it. The entire world is seeing more proof every day. However, since every person is different, you will have to decide for yourself if the potential benefits outweigh the risk of commitment, no matter how small that commitment is.


What is Joe Rogan's Routine for Cold Plunging?

Rogan's ice bath routine is a little more intense than we would recommend for beginners, but if you're prepared and have worked up to it, consider following these steps to get the Joe Rogan experience:

  • Fill the bathtub with cold water

  • Add a few bags of ice to take the temperature down to 50 degrees or so

  • Submerge for 10-20 minutes

And that's it! He also loves to incorporate controlled breathing techniques into his practice which will serve to enhance your cold plunge and increase the benefits you receive.


Cold plunging can be done at home by taking just a few steps. If you've seen the hype and you're ready to dive in, you can start today!